All My Parts are Welcome

Internal Family Systems Immersion


Learn the Internal Family Systems Model for Professional & Personal Practice

A 3 month Virtual Circle in the Depth Psychology Format for Integrated Healing



May - July, 2024

20hrs Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Course / IFS Informed with Durga Dharma Institute

Interested in incorporating Internal Family Systems into your therapy, coaching, or yoga teaching offerings?

Our 3 month virtual circle will set you up for out the essential processes & procedure of the IFS model. With weekly practicums, partner practices, and one on one IFS mentorship sessions, you’ll be equipped to integrate the core principles of IFS into your practice and become an “IFS Informed” educator. 

Using core curriculum principles from the Internal Family Systems Institute, Become IFS Informed through the Durga Dharma Institute

What is Internal Family Systems?

Transformative psychotherapy… and empowering paradigm.

Internal Family Systems is a powerfully transformative, evidence-based model of psychotherapy.

IFS is a transformative tool that conceives every human being as a system of protective and wounded inner parts lead by a core Self. We believe the mind is naturally multiple and that is a good thing.  Our inner parts contain valuable qualities and our core Self (the you who is not a part) knows how to heal, allowing us to become integrated and remember our inherent wholeness.

Self is in everyone. It can’t be damaged. It knows how to heal. 

IFS cultivates a window of tolerance and psychological acceptance because a central tenant in the paradigm is that ALL part are welcome, and have benevolent intentions.

But IFS is much more than a non-pathologizing evidence-based psychotherapy to be used in a clinical setting. It is also a way of understanding personal and intimate relationships. Professionals from many different backgrounds such as legal mediation, school administration, life coaches and yoga teachers may utilize IFS to inform and guide their work.

IFS is a movement. A new, empowering paradigm for understanding and harmonizing the mind and, thereby, larger human systems. One that can help people heal and helps the world become a more compassionate place.

-Internal Family Systems Institute-

internal family systems circle

What if all the parts of me, 

from the ancient

to the twee,

from the formal

to the free, 

from the jester

to the brooder, 

from the scholar to 

the woo 

woo healer, 

from the salt 

water spring

to the old

forest fire

were not just integrated 

but reconciled

- Wendy Videlock


May 1 - July 17, 2024

Upcoming Cohort: Summer 2024 May | June | July

Each Month:





(15 total sessions)

Alongside weekly group practicum sessions, you will work once a month with a partner to practice the methods learned in each module, as well as have a private monthly IFS session with Kali to unpack any of your own parts that speak up during the course.

This is an essential feature to facilitating IFS: the ability to work through the steps with a client seamlessly, and the invitation to navigate your own parts continuously.

Group calls will be held over zoom on Wednesdays 5-6:30pm MST

Partner & Private sessions will be scheduled individually



$250 off registration

$2500 now $2250

ends 5/1/24

IFS Immersion

View Policies here.

I had spent many years following a calling to better understand yogic tradition, Buddhist philosophy, trauma healing, and the brain-body connection. This training made everything make sense. Internal Family Systems(IFS) has now been ingrained into my every day life. I met some of my parts and began to understand the complexities of the entities that dwell within us, often created at a young age to protect us and keep us safe. Working with some of my “loudest” parts has changed everything. I feel like the healing journey this has brought me on has either healed, ended, or helped me navigate the patterns that have showed up as lessons throughout my life. This lens helped me understand WHY I do the things I do and also helped me to understand why others do what they do, thus having a more compassionate understanding as to how people walk through the world.”

Internal Family Systems Circle Agenda

Summer 2024: May-July, 2024

May: Overview of IFS & Meeting My Parts

May 1: session i

May 8: session ii

May 15: session iii

May 22: schedule private session w/ kali

June: The Protective System

June 5: session i

June 12: session ii

June 19: session iii

June 26: schedule private session w/ kali

July: Healing Exiles through Self Energy

July 3: session i

July 10: session ii

July 17: session iii

July 24: schedule private session w/ kali

  • “Shortly before I began my work with Kali, my husband and I lost our first pregnancy at 9 weeks. I entered the training vulnerable physically and emotionally. I was heartbroken and uncertain of whether I would have the stamina to attend and be present through the training. Kali encouraged me to trust the timing and I believe God brought me to this immersion experience for a reason. Kali's gentle nature welcomed me exactly where I was and through the teaching and meditation I was able to press into my suffering and begin to heal. Our meditation sessions allowed me to acknowledge the mother within me, to accept that she is and will always be a part of me, and that my baby is and will always be a part of me. I am thankful to Kali for her wisdom and guidance in acknowledging and cherishing this and every, precious human body.”

  • “Kali is an ancient gentle soul that balances authority with softness so well. Her wisdom offers so much, yet she is approachable and has answers to everything.

  • “Thank you for nourishing my spirit, for the permission to sit with my mother-self and the little one and all the other roles of self, and to not allow my sorrow to go unattended. Your wisdom helped me grow into myself in such a meaningful way. Big growth.”

  • “I met Kali during a very vulnerable time in my healing journey, since then this work has played a huge role in me returning to myself again and again.”

  • “I am so incredibly grateful to do this work, to be aware, to have the opportunity to change my belief system and to clear so many of the dysfunctional patterns in my lineage and those which showed up in my marriage. A mirror of what I needed to clear in myself so I can now stand whole in my own love and ready to embark on my biggest adventure yet! I thank you from the bottom of my heart, another example of the universe providing me with what I needed before I needed it. Yin has been such an emotional safe haven for me to unravel these last parts of transformation and release.”



View Policies here.

Pre-Registration Required | Limited Capacity

Please note this is a virtual offering.

Kali Basman

Meet the Facilitator

International and intentful Yin & Restorative Yoga teacher of teachers, Kali Basman, offers an intermingling of wisdom disciplines: Foundations of Buddhist mindfulness, the pranic pathways of Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians, physiology of the nervous system, and individual-informed anatomy.

Leading yin and mindfulness focused trainings and retreats across the globe, Kali pays reverence to her lineage of teachers, Sarah Powers, Jack Kornfield, Judith Hanson Lasater and more.

“Kali is the definition of wisdom. I feel held in such an intuitive deep space. Her teachings are enlightening and expanding. I feel this knowledge will stay with me forever”